IT Training Solutions Announces GSA Contract Award

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Newsletters | 0 comments

IT Training Solutions is pleased to announce their recent approval as a GSA vendor for Schedule 70.  Many Federal, State and Municipal organizations including a number of schools of Higher Education are eligible to order services from Schedule 70.

If your organization is able to use GSA, this will reduce the paper work and streamline the procurement process.  Currently orders can be placed by working directly with IT Training Solutions.  Soon there will be a listing for IT Training Solutions in the GSA Advantage online market place.

IT Training Solutions is proud to meet the stringent qualifications to be a GSA vendor.  Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the training courses available on Schedule 70. Our contract is listed under our parent company, Stronger International, Inc. contract number GS-35F-016GA.

